News & Events

February, 2020

GT-ARC’s new Erasmus+ cooperation project “CC+IoT” stated with a kickoff meeting hosted by the Zonguldak Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Turkey, on 21-22 February 2020. The 2-year project focuses on training material and curriculum development for the Internet of Things and Cloud Computing. In collaboration with project partners from Turkey, United Kingdom, Spain, and Bulgaria; GT-ARC will develop hands-on practice modules for the IoT and cloud computing technologies in digital industry, partly based on CHARIOT solutions.

September, 2019

TU Berlin’s flagship project on connected and automated driving DIGINET-PS has officially opened its test site on 19th September 2019. GT-ARC takes part in the DIGINET-PS project as an implementation partner, providing an IoT framework to gather data from the sensors deployed along the road infrastructure. The opening event attracted more than 100 high-profile participants and strong media attention. More information about the project and the event is available at:

July, 2019

Visit of several trainees from Turkey between 15.06.2019 – 15.09.2019

Some invited interns have worked in the different areas of the CHARIOT project. They deal with both the extension of the CHARIOT API, which serves to integrate the devices, and the implementation of the CHARIOT agents through the developed APIs.

June, 2019

The applications developed so far in the CHARIOT project were presented on June 15 in the context of LNdW. The demonstrated applications are Predictive Maintenance and Adaptive Control, Human-Robot Collaboration, Simulated Autonomous Warehousing and Production Planning and Monitoring. The smart factory test environment was visited by about 150 visitors and aroused great interest. The visitor profile consists not only of the people who have the background knowledge of the similar project, but also of the people who do not know the topic. In general, however, the project and its construction received public approval for the necessity of such systems in real life.

May, 2019

Our Colleague, Orhan Can Görür, presented the paper “Anticipatory Bayesian Policy Selection for Online Adaptation of Collaborative Robots to Unknown Human Types” in AAMAS conference that took place in Montreal, Canada in May, 2019.

April, 2019

Our Colleague, Doruk Sahinel, presented the paper“Integration of Human Actors in IoT and CPS Landscape” in  IoT World Forum that took place in Ireland, in April 2019.

December, 2018
June, 2018

Visit of several trainees from Turkey between 15.06.2018 – 15.09.2018

Some invited interns have worked in the different areas of the CHARIOT project. They deal with both the extension of the CHARIOT API, which serves to integrate the devices, and the implementation of the CHARIOT agents through the developed APIs.

March, 2018

Our Colleague, Orhan Can Görür, presented the paper“Social Cobots: Anticipatory Decision-Making for Collaborative Robots Incorporating Unexpected Human Behaviors” in HRI conference that took place in Chicago, USA in March, 2018.

September, 2017

Our Colleague, Cem Akpolat presented the paper “ CHARIOT: An IoT Middleware for the Integration of Heterogeneous Entities in a Smart Urban Factory in Prag, in September 2017.

January, 2017

Our colleague, Doruk Sahinel at al. published “Beyond 5G Vision for IOLITE Community” in IEEE Communications Magazine, January 2017.